Thursday, March 31, 2011

Moon Queen

Moon Queen
The insectoid Moon Warriors never entered into the great war between Man and Beast, but when the Hellbourne threatened Newerth, their very queen emerged to lead her people against the daemons. With powers drawn from the moon and from the shared will of her hive, this strange creature is a mighty boon for the Legion.
1st Skill-Moon Beam
The Moon Queen calls upon the power of the moon to strike a target foe, damaging and briefly stunning them.
2nd Skill-Multi Strike 
The Moon Queen's skill with her Luna Shuriken allows her to bounce it from her primary target to hit additional foes.
3rd Skill-Lunar Glow
The Moon Queen radiates the power of the moon to allies around her, increasing the damage they deal with ranged attacks.
4th Skill-Moon Finale
The Moon Queen casts her Moon Beam spell repeatedly for a short duration on random nearby enemies.

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